good friend recently relayed to me a story about a meeting that started off on
a wrong footing and ended with the client storming off .... listening to
the story it was clear that the client was in the wrong but the story made me
wonder about whether there was something my friend could have done to avert the
ensuing situation from taking place without there being any loss of face for
either the client or my friend.
first response to a verbal assault - whether valid or not - is normally to counter-respond
with heightened tone, aggressive "in your face" body language
and then one's own verbal barrage in self-defence of what has just been said.
The value
of the momentary pause between hearing an attack and reacting to it should
never be under-estimated. Not only does the momentary pause give one an
opportunity to take control of oneself in the situation, but a pause of silence
also give the other person an opportunity to contemplate what they have just
said and to either retract, soften the words or explain themselves further if
old adage of "it takes two to tango" is no where more applicable then
in the scenario of conflict. By engaging in the pause one is in fact allowing
oneself the choice to decide on whether to step into or away from the issue of
conflict. Not every verbal assault or harsh and pointed comment needs or should
be dignified with a response, but every person should in fact be given the
opportunity to clarify what they are saying and where they are coming from. It
is at this juncture that a simple question or statement requesting clarity of
what was just said such as "I beg your pardon ?" or
"Please could you explain what you are saying" is often the
mercy stroke ending what could be a unfortunate and avoidable breakdown of
goes without saying that hindsight is a wonderful thing giving us 20/20 vision.
In my friend's case, the client is gone and it is unlikely that he will ever
come back. All is however not lost. Turning the perfection of hindsight into
practical insight and applying the power of the pause ... and then the
question to those potentially explosive situations will go a long way in
maintaining good relations with even the most difficult and demanding of
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